Nesta's Wellness Retreat

Nesta's Wellness Retreat > Blog > What are the tips to recover after tummy tuck procedure in Houston?

Nesta’s Wellness Retreat Blog



When you trust Nesta’s Wellness Retreat as your post-surgical care Houston with your tummy tuck recovery procedure, it will be helpful to know some cosmetic surgery recovery tips. Recovery after a tummy tuck will require a great deal of care and attention and patience for what could be a fairly lengthy recovery.

For starters, you may hear medical terminology that is assumed you understand. But, many people have never heard the technical term for a tummy tuck procedure. A tummy tuck procedure is sometimes called an abdominoplasty. The procedure rejuvenates the abdominal area by removing excess fat and skin.

There are many reasons why patients choose an abdominoplasty surgical procedure. One of the most common is to hide unwanted bulk in the abdominal area. Having a tummy tuck is very popular with women following childbirth especially for women who model or need to show off their bare bellies fairly soon.

Following are some helpful tips you will want to know about the post-surgical recovery before you decide on a tummy tuck:

Rest – Rest helps the body recover faster. After a tummy tuck, your body will need plenty of restful time to heal. Immediately following surgery, you will still feel the effects of anesthesia which can make you feel very tired. But, the rest you need during recovery goes beyond this tired feeling. Still it is important to sleep and rest when you feel tired. Find a recovery wellness center that will allow you time to rest so your body can focus on healing.

Wound Care – It is very important to keep the surgical area clean and dry for at least the first week following surgery. Do not get it wet as this can make the area open back up. During this time, you will need to keep the skin around and near the wound clean by using a soft cloth that has been soaked in water and mild soap. As you heal, keep a close watch on the wound. When you change dressings or clean the wound, take a look at it to make sure it is healing properly. Ask your surgeon if it looks excessively red or any other wound care concerns you may have.

Eat Well – Eating healthy foods following surgery will help you heal and recover faster. After a tummy tuck procedure, eat foods rich in protein and antioxidants to promote healing.

Gentle Exercise – Do not exercise until your surgeon has told you it is safe to do so. While you should walk around as soon as you can after surgery, don’t do any exercise that creates too much strain on the abdominal area. You may need to wear a support garment for up to 6 weeks following surgery. About a week after surgery, it is a good idea to start doing gentle exercises such as walking.

Choose Nesta’s recovery home for your Houston surgery recovery house after your tummy tuck procedure. The caring staff at Nesta’s recovery home help to make it the top-rated after surgery recovery center Houston. Your stay at Nesta’s Wellness Retreat will include personalized care and assistance that will help you fully recovery well after your tummy tuck.