Nesta's Wellness Retreat

Nesta's Wellness Retreat > Blog > Top 10 Foods to Recover After Plastic Surgery

Nesta’s Wellness Retreat Blog



You made it through the surgery, and now it’s time to allow healing and recovery so you can get back to living the life you want to live. One of the most important cosmetic surgery recovery tips is to make sure you are eating the right after surgery recovery foods.

Eating the best foods during recovery can help you get back to wellness in less time. It also helps reduce your chances of developing post-surgical complications such a high blood glucose or constipation. It also helps revive your skin to help it heal faster and reduce scarring. Nutritious foods after surgery helps wounds heal faster, prevents constipation, and helps your body recover faster.

Part of your stay at Nesta’s Wellness Retreat will include a helpful staff who will help you eat a healthy post-surgical diet. What a delightful treat to not have to worry about figuring out what to eat and what not to eat when you are needing to rest and be a bit pampered for your body to heal.

Listed following are the Top 10 foods needed to recover after plastic surgery. After the top 10 foods list, you will also find some helpful nutrition tips on what types of foods are best and why they play an important role in your healing process.

Here are the top 10 foods to help you heal quickly:

  1. Water – You may not think of water when you think of eating healthy foods. But, it’s one of the most important elements for cosmetic surgery recovery. Our bodies are made up of more than 80% water, and the first place that shows a lack of hydration is the skin. Make sure you stay hydrated so your body can heal properly.
  2. Almonds – While nuts in general are a good idea to eat for healing, these nuts contain healthy fats that gives your energy level a boost and strengthens your immune system. Almonds also help your body absorb the nutrients from other foods. Almonds also provide the body with Vitamin E that helps reduce scars.
  3. Whole Grains – Opt for whole grain bread or oatmeal as opposed to processed cereals or breads. Whole grains provide the body with vitamins, fiber, and minerals that it needs to heal without added or less healthy ingredients.
  4. Cranberries –  All berries provide the body with powerful antioxidants which helps to repair damage and rebuild collagen, which in turn helps scars to heal. Some other great berry options include blueberries or blackberries.
  5. Eggs – Eat enough protein while healing to help repair and heal muscles. Eggs are an excellent choice for protein. They also provide you with amino acids that help to regenerate muscle tissue.
  6. Sweet Potatoes and Spinach –Vegetables such as green, leafy spinach or low-carb sweet potatoes help provide the body with needed vitamins such as A, C, E, and magnesium and potassium that boosts energy.
  7. Chickpeas – Lots of hummus made from chickpeas will help repair tissue and boost your immune system with zinc. Since our bodies do not store zinc, we have to replenish it through foods. Legumes like chickpeas contain a great deal of zinc.
  8. Yogurt – Too much of the wrong dairy products can cause constipation, but yogurt with live and active cultures will be a much needed probiotics to keep the healthy bacteria fighting off infections while keeping the digestion system balanced. Probiotics are especially important to help re-balance the digestion tract if you are taking antibiotics.
  9. Pumpkin Seeds – After cosmetic surgery, you will need to replenish your iron levels. Pumpkin seeds are a great source of iron.
  10. Kiwi – All fresh fruits are a great nutrition choice following surgery, but this little green fruit tucked away inside a fuzzy outer covering is a great source of Vitamin C that helps restore collagen. Vitamin C is also a powerful antioxidant to help fight damaging free radicals and boost the immune system so you can heal.

Additional helpful tips for eating healthy foods to help heal after cosmetic surgery include:

Eat Whole Foods

Always choose whole foods over processed. This may sound obvious, yet processed foods may be a lot more convenient to grab or cook in a hurry. However, the processed foods have a lot less vitamins and fiber that your body needs to heal. They also contain higher fat, sugar, additives, and are typically loaded with sodium.

Eat Fiber-Rich Foods

Make sure you eat plenty of fiber while recovering from surgery. Not only are high-fiber foods healthier in general, but they will also help prevent constipation that can happen after receiving anesthesia. If necessary, you can always add a natural fiber supplement, but it’s a lot healthier to first try eating fiber-rich foods.

High-fiber foods include:

  • Whole grains
  • Fruits
  • Vegetables

While adding fiber to your diet, also avoid foods that typically cause constipation. Red meat, too much sugar, processed foods, or cheese and dairy products often cause constipation.

Eat Healthy Fats

As mentioned above, almonds provide your body with healthy fats it needs. Some other options for healthy fats are olive oil, fish, and avocados.

Get Plenty of Lean Protein

Protein is important while healing. Be sure to eat lean protein foods such as:

  • turkey
  • chicken
  • seafood
  • pork
  • nuts
  • legumes
  • tofu

Eat Plenty of Fruits and Veggies

Fresh fruits and vegetables are a great source of fiber and nutrients that your body will need to recover. While fresh fruits and veggies are an important component to your post-surgical diet, you may develop uncomfortable gas. If so, the discomfort should subside after a couple of days.

Eat Enough

One problem that many people experience after surgery is that they don’t feel hungry. So, eating enough foods to get the nutrients needed to heal becomes an issue. Make sure you keep eating foods that are packed with nutrients.

Post-Surgical Care

When it comes to post-surgical care Houston, Nesta’s recovery home helps you ease into plastic surgery recovery. Post surgery is a time to relax and take time to be rejuvenated with special care that includes the top 10 foods to recover after plastic surgery.